When users reporting an issue contact us, they sometimes provide detailed information to help our QA engineers troubleshoot and resolve these issue expediently.
Until now, we have posted recommendations and replied to these inquiries by asking for the following:
1. The meeting invitation link (the original meeting, not a test meeting in which you're trying to reproduce the issue)
2. Your setup (the device/model, the OS/version, browser/version)
3. Any other details providing more context (such as: did the issue affect other participants, did you try working around the issue by refreshing, did you have another app using your camera in another browser window?)
4. Screenshots, especially if there were any error messages displayed.
However, many of our users have proven resourceful enough to go the extra mile, providing us with their browser's log files, too. In light of how useful this extra step has been in quickly resolving those issues, we would like to walk you through how to capture your browser's log files in a few easy steps, so that you can share that invaluable data in your email or online report form.
Capturing CHROME Logs (Ideal if you can do these steps while experiencing an issue during your meeting. Otherwise, try to recreate the conditions that caused the issue to originally occur)
- Enter a room
- Add this code snippet to the end of the Room meeting's URL: ?native_debug=true&log=trueso that your initial URL that looks like this...
will now look like this...
After that, hit enter.
3. Press F12 on your keyboard to create a split screen with the (Log) window at the right. You’ll see the Log console populate with more code as you navigate or perform any action while in the meeting room.
NOTE: Make sure that you have the DESKTOP view on the left of the split screen, not the MOBILE view. If the page content on the left screen doesn't fill up all of its screen, then you probably have the mobile view displaying, as seen below.
To Toggle to DESKTOP view go to the top of the Log window at the right, then click on the TOGGLE icon, as shown here.
Once you toggle, you'll see the page content on the left expand to take up that entire side, correctly displaying the DESKTOP view.
4. If you are trying to recreate the issue as it originally happened in your "real" meeting, wait until the issue you want to report happens. Of course, if the issue occurred before or while you filled out the ID panel, then you need not enter the meeting. Otherwise, try to repeat the steps that eventually led to the in-meeting issue.
5. When the issue happens again, Right-click on any row on the log window to open a popup list from which you select Save As (at the list's bottom)
6. Choose a familiar place to which you'll save the Log to facilitate attaching it to your email/issue report.
That's it! Attach the log files (a light text file full of code) to your email or to the online form that you'll use to report the issue. Don't forget to attach any screen shots you might have taken, too.
Watch this video to see the whole process in action (Windows):
Capturing SAFARI Logs
- Enable Develop Menu
- Click on Safari menu
- Select Preferences
- Go to Advanced tab
- Tick the box at the bottom says Show develop menu
2. Add this code snippet to the end of the Room meeting's URL: ?native_debug=true&log=true
so that your initial URL that looks like this...
will now look like this...
After that, hit enter.
3. If you are trying to recreate the issue as it originally happened in your "real" meeting, wait until the issue you want to report happens. Of course, if the issue occurred before or while you filled out the ID panel, then you need not enter the meeting. Otherwise, try to repeat the steps that eventually led to the in-meeting issue.
4. When the issue happens again, click on the Develop menu and select JS console.
5. Click on any row in the log window, then CTRL-A to select all, then right-click to Save As to a location you know.
7. Send the text file along with your problem report.
Mission accomplished!
Attach the log files (a light text file full of code) to your email or to the online form that you'll use to report the issue. Don't forget to attach any screen shots you might have taken, too.