If you already use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari as your standard browser, simply click on the
link shared with you to join a meeting to which you've been invited. If not, you'll need to download Chrome, or Edge to access a ROOM meeting.
Right now, ROOM works on the following browsers on a PC or Mac, Android, iPhone and iPad.
These are the recommended specs for all users (account holders and invitees), alike:
- ANDROID: Google Chrome 100 (Recommended: Google Chrome version 108)
- ANDROID: Microsoft Edge 100 (Recommended: Microsoft Edge version 108)
- MacOS X: Google Chrome 100 or Safari ver 15.5 (Recommended: Chrome ver 108, Safari 16)
- iOS: Google Chrome 100 or Safari ver 15.5 (Recommended: Google Chrome ver 108, Safari 16)
For the most optimal experience it is recommendation that you have a Full HD+ camera.
Also, in the interest of supporting the best user experience, we recommend that you should not have VPN or a Proxy server turned on.
Room3D is designed to use most desktop's peripheral cameras and microphones, as well as most
laptops' built-in cameras/speakers.
To learn more about ROOM's technical requirements simply go to one of these detailed Help Tutorial articles:
What are the technical requirements to use ROOM?
Can I use ROOM on any operating system?
How do I use ROOM on my PC or Mac?